Image by CANDICE CANDICE from Pixabay
As we ease into Fall and start enjoying the changes of Autumn we can often feel like life is in transition. Let’s change it up!
Whether that’s dealing with back to school, to feeling like changing our eating habits. It’s easy to lose ‘self-care’ in the shuffle. This month we are looking at recapturing self-care.
Now I know that sometimes the very thought of re-assessing taking care of you can be a bit overwhelming. The first thing to do is decide you are worth caring for, and now that decision has been made here are some of the ways I self-care.
Look around your home or your work space. Does it need a tune-up to reflect who you truly be? Let’s change it up.
Start by de-cluttering and getting organized.
If you are not using something all the time put it into a container, label it and put it away. If you have lots of bits and bobs you use often, don’t leave them in a heap or decide to tidy everything away and then can’t find them. Get yourself some baskets. Whether pretty ones that you leave out or cheap dollar-store ones that you pop into drawers and cupboards; baskets are a great way to keep things looking neat and tidy.
And you can still find everything!
Pick one room to work on and you will soon notice how you feel lighter when you enter that room.
Use your favorite color
Quick, think: ‘what’s your favorite color?’
Are you wearing it?
How about bringing some of that fave color energy into your home or office? Painting a room is an inexpensive, quick and instantly gratifying way of giving your space a boost. Even painting one feature wall can make your space be fabulous.
Not into painting? How about some new window treatments and pillows? Not brave enough to take your favorite color onto the wall? Get some new candles, pillows or cushions, or a nice new piece of artwork for the wall.

Image by Maja Cvetojević from Pixabay
Bring in fresh flowers and plants
Bring the great outdoors in with you and get some plants and treat yourself to flowers. Even a tiny posy of flowers beside your bed, on the kitchen table,or next to the bathroom sink can really lift your spirits. And throw away the fake flowers and plants. They are merely dust collectors and don’t bring any real energy into your space.
Using the fave color idea, get flowers in your favorite colors or reflect the season with your choices.
Create a focal point for your room
Do you have a fireplace or a great view? If so, it’s easy, if not,how about creating one.
You can use the above idea of painting a feature wall in a different color to the rest of the room, or use a piece of artwork. Now arrange your furniture so that you are facing the focal point. Not in a row, like in a waiting room, but arrange your furniture so you can see your focal point.
Now you will love what you are looking at!
Create a cozy nook
Intimate space in a room makes you feel safe and secure.
A small chair, table and lamp in the corner of a room, with a cozy blanket and pillow and voila! You now have a lovely little reading corner. Again, use your favorite color to make the space extra special.
And is there room for a little flower posy on your little table?
Treat yourself to new bedding
It’s lovely to have winter and summer bedding. I aspire to have changes for each season, but for now, winter and summer works.
It gives my bedroom a whole new lift when I change the bedding and that gives me a lift too!
Flip your mattress and give it a good vacuum. If you enjoy ritual, try using a smudge stick to clear the energy. I personally like to use a rose-water hydrosol to give the bed a good spritz. Not only clean smelling but also anti-bacterial!
And a natural hydrosol doesn’t have the adverse side-effects of those nasty toxic fresh fabric sprays. New sheets, new duvet cover, new pillows and shams. Woohoo! I even change my curtains to match.
And take time for spiritual practice
Take time for yourself each and every day to connect with spirit.
Whether that’s the Creator, God, Goddess, the Force, Universal Life Force Energy, Your Higher Self, whatever is meaningful to you. My fave is the Great Goodness.
Meditate, pray, stop and give thanks. Remember to have faith in the magic of this beautiful planet and to pause for a while each day to connect with the spiritual aspect of you.
Perhaps that little cozy nook you’ve created will become a lovely place to meditate or pray. Each time you enjoy your new home or office space, be aware and give thanks for how blessed you are. Enjoy your flowers and plants and remember the connection to our planet.
It’s never too late or too early to take care of you. If you don’t take care of you, who will? So, make it a promise to you that you’ll pay more attention to what nurtures and nourishes you and make sure you become present in your own life. If you need some help, don’t hesitate to contact me.