This simple energy healing is easy to learn, easy to use.
Everyone needs to take advantage of this simple, healing energy training. The first level of Reiki, First Degree Reiki is definitely for home use. Learn to ease aches and pains. Learn to ease your children’s and your parents’ aches and pains.
Learn how to calm yourself, even bring down your blood pressure, with this simplest of healing arts.
We’ve been teaching Reiki since 1995 and have trained hundreds of people to learn Reiki around the globe.
Reiki is a non-invasive, gentle energy healing system based on ancient Tibetan knowledge. The Reiki Therapist gently places their hands on or in the aura of the fully-clothed body and face of the client in a set pattern. Deep relaxation is quickly induced, making it a very useful therapy in times of stress. Reiki as a therapy may be used for self-treatment. As a path to wellness Reiki becomes a way of life. It is very easily used with other therapies, including modern medicine.
Usui Reiki was re-discovered by and is therefore named after Dr. Mikao Usui from Japan in the late 1800’s.
Karuna Reiki includes new information about Reiki, including new symbols and using sound to promote healing. Karuna Reiki has also been known as Tera-Mai.