What other expenses will I incur while studying CNHP?
Let me walk you through a few steps here:
I recommend taking the full Certified Natural Health Practitioner package and paying for it all in one go.
Why? Because it creates and sustains motivation. Most people who graduate from the program take it this way. And you’ll save money as buying the courses one at a time is more expensive.
I suggest starting with the Holistic Foot Reflexology Training.
Why? You’ll get into the swing of studying again, and quickly gain professionalism, some business building skills.
Canadians listen-in…
(Additionally, if you are in Canada it leads to a Canadian Federally recognized designation RRPr. You can then get insurance for your wellness business at a group rate and also register with various companies so some of your clients can use their extended health care insurance. More info here: https://schoolofct.com/
reflexology-training/) And, wherever you are, you can start working part-time as you study! Woohoo!
Holistic Foot Reflexology also does not require any book purchases.
You will at some point want to purchase either a massage table or reflexology chair for this course. Other than that, you’ll need towels, witch-hazel and lotion. You can add a foot bath too, but that’s up to how you decide to take your practice.
It’s all explored in the manual and of course, I’m available for input. Costs can be anything from a few dollars up to thousands for a top-of-the-line massage table with built in heat and sound system!
Once you get going on the Reflexology, a lot of people decide to take Nutrition 101 at the same time. https://schoolofct.com/
distance-learning/ nutrition101/ There are two accompanying text books, Prescription to Nutritional Healing and An Apple A Day (excellent Canadian book) which comes to around $40. And of course, anytime you are ready to get into the nuts and bolts of how the body works…Anatomy & Physiology is next. https://schoolofct.com/
distance-learning/anatomy- physiology/ The A&P Coloring Book can be obtained for under $20. The Business and Ethics Course each have one text book each to accompany the SchoolofCT manuals also. Currently running at about $25 per book.
The big expense is of course the Aromatherapy,
because you may want to purchase a massage table and you’ll definitely want to purchase essential oils. I make recommendations based on where you live, etc. as to the companies I recommend. The text book is currently available for $105. It’s expensive, but it’s the only completely professional text on the market. It’s an Australian publication.
I’m currently including the Color Therapy Level One and Two as free bonuses for sign-ups. Why? I love Color Therapy and want to share it with as many people as possible.
I hope that answers your immediate questions. You can sign-up, register and pay…all in one easy step with PayPal here.
I look forward to getting you started on your new career path…woohoo!
Can Complementary Therapies help children with Autism? ADHD? Asberges Syndrome?
Yes, Yes, and yes…In my experience, yes. I specialized in ADHD, as my eldest daughter was diagnosed at 4 years old.
The starting ground for me was nutrition. Eating whole foods and dumping foods with additives. The cleaner the food…the better the behavior.
SchoolofCT offers Nutrition 101 which is a first level nutrition course based on using whole foods and dumping foods with additives. It’s a starter course for those interested in a career in Holistic Health Care. And a great course for parents who are looking to make healthy changes for their children.
Next, I introduced Reflexology into our family:
Reflexology has many benefits and works along with Nutrition to support the digestive system.
Some super resources
Here’s an interesting video testimonial from a mother using Reflexology on her autistic child Go to YouTube Video
A Newspaper testimonial for the benefits of Reflexology on a young boy with autism: Go to Newspaper Article
My area working with children has been ADHD and Reflexology has proven most effective, in conjunction with good nutritional practices.
And then, I added Aromatherapy:
Here’s a link to a paper on Aromatherapy and Autism: Effects of aromatherapy on communication skills in children with autism
Go to Acedemia Article
With the CNHP (Certified Natural Health Practitioner) we are learning a rounded approach to Natural Health, that includes a number of skill sets that are very effective in helping children with Autism, ADHD and Aspergers.
While training, can we charge for our practicum treatments?
At SchoolofCT we encourage charging for your practicum sessions as part of business building.
The approach we use is to let people know that we are students in training and the fee is half what we charge when we are fully certified. That way we get used to charging people (not always an easy thing for us), people know Reflexology, Reiki or Aromatherapy is of value straight away, know they are getting a good deal and are ready to pay full price when you are certified. It puts you into a professional mindset.
What you charge is up to you, but when we give it away we are often saying it is value-less. You are putting in your time, effort and energy and therefore deserve to be compensated. Money is an energy exchange…you are exchanging energy.
That said, bartering is a great way to go about charging too.
What’s the difference between Reflexology and Holistic Reflexology?
Holistic is a term that embraces the whole: body, mind, emotions and spirit.All Reflexology comes from this, however in the 90s there was a trend where some reflexology associations tried to equate reflexology to a medical or clinical model. This was in an attempt to be recognized by mainstream allopathic medicine. I do not adhere to a strictly scientific approach. Preferring to keep to a Holistic approach, where the healing art originated from. Hence, the Fairbrass Method is Holistic Foot Reflexology.We of course do keep up to date with modern advances, including limited clinical studies. Science is a part of the whole.I hope that helps you understand.