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Program and Course Fees Payment
SchoolofCT Policies and Procedures
Distance Learning: Once payment has been received there are no refunds.
In-class: The balance of payment for all courses, workshops or programs is to be paid one week before class begins. There are no refunds.
Missed Classes
If a student does not complete or has to withdraw from a program or course or workshop for any reason, there are no refunds. The student may apply to continue their studies no later than one year from the start of the initial Program. For this there is an administration fee of $125 and acceptance is at the discretion of the instructor. If there is an increase in fees, the student is liable for the increased costs upon return to their studies.
Should a student miss a class for any reason it is their responsibility to catch-up. Students are encouraged to liaise with each other and help out in these situations. Additional private tutoring is available at $125 an hour for a minimum time of 2 hours. The maximum time a student may miss in any Course or Program is at the SchoolofCT discretion. Student may apply to their instructor for an extension. Extensions are given subject to instructor approval and the discretion of the Board of SchoolofCT. Without attendance as specified in the program an incomplete would be considered and the student is not able to take the examinations.
Extension Policy:
When a student requires extended time to complete a course of study they must contact Administration at SchoolofCT to apply for an extension. If an extension is granted there is an administration fee of $125. This administration fee is payable upon approval of the extension.
The successful candidate for extension is granted a further six months from the end of their course of study to complete. ie: Jack took Holistic Foot Reflexology Training in November 2017. He has to complete the program requirements, including practicum and exams by November 2018. After applying for, receiving extension approval, and making the appropriate payment for an extension, Jack would have until May 2019 to complete all requirements. If he is unable to complete all requirements for certification in that timeframe he has to take the course again to be able to certify.
Policies and Procedures
Refund Policy
Should a student be unable to attend an in-class lesson for any reason, SchoolofCT is to be informed in writing. Subject to SchoolofCT board approval an alternate date is scheduled. There are no refunds. A $125 administration fee is applied.
There are no refunds of registration fees.
Distance Learning: there are NO refunds.
Check above for Extension Policies.
Withdrawal Policy
Should a student wish to withdraw from a program or course or workshop the student must inform the instructor and SchoolofCT Head Office by writing. An email is acceptable. Should a student choose to withdraw from a course or program or workshop there are no refunds. See #1. Registration Fees, #2. Program Fees and #3.Payment.
All students are expected to be in class on time as a courtesy to the instructor and the other students. Students should advise the instructor if they know they will be late. Any missed instruction is the student’s responsibility to make up. Consistent lateness is considered a class disruption and may lead to dismissal from the program.
Code of Ethics
Students and graduates are required to honor the SchoolofCT Code of Ethics at all times.
Students are responsible for providing their own sheets, towels or linens for the hands-on component of any in-class course, workshop or program. Should SchoolofCT have to provide linens the student incurs a $35 fee per use.
Examination fees must be paid before the examinations. If a student fails either a practical or written examination, one re-take is allowed for a fee of $125. Should a student fail a second time, the instructor will advise whether the course should be re-taken or whether private instruction is appropriate. Private instruction is available at a cost of $125 per hour for a minimum of two hours.
No refunds are given for missed examinations.
Times to complete clinical practicums are outlined in the course or programs. Extensions may be applied for and accepted with a $125 administration fee and are subject to instructor or SchoolofCT representative approval. The student is considered to be in default and the program or course considered incomplete should no extension be applied for.
Certificates are issued to successful students upon satisfactory completion of all course or program requirements. Certificates will be mailed to the student. It may take six to eight weeks before certificates are issued.
Student Conduct
Students are required to show courtesy and respect to each other and their instructor. Gossiping and inappropriate behavior are not tolerated. Failure to show respect to fellow students and/or instructors in the classroom or on-line may lead to dismissal from class or the program.
Plagiarism in any form is considered grounds for instant dismissal. This includes Google and AI to complete assignments and/or examinations.
Students are required to sign a disclaimer regarding the massage portion of any Program indicating their understanding of the classroom requirements.
During massage components of programs students are required to wear their SchoolofCT golf, tank top or tee shirt, which should be clean and neatly pressed.
Students may exchange email addresses and phone numbers and abide by privacy regulations and not extend this information to others. Students may not solicit other students or staff members of SchoolofCT to purchase items or join multi-level marketing companies. Cheating and/or plagiarism are grounds for instant dismissal. All dismissals are without refund.
Field Trips / Trade Shows / Community Events
Should students attend field trips, trade shows or community events during their training program they are required to behave in a professional manner and honor the code of ethics. As such students will be representing the Jacqueline Fairbrass School of Complementary Therapies and are therefore expected to behave appropriately. Students will be required to wear their SchoolofCT golf-shirt or tee shirt, which should be clean and neatly pressed.
One receipt per person per course will be issued. In the event of a lost or misplaced receipt there is an administration fee of $25.
Policies and procedures may be updated at SchoolofCT discretion to reflect changes in the CAM field and any appropriate changes in legislation. Should polices and procedures be changed during the student’s program the new policy and procedures replace the previous ones. It is up to the student and instructors to keep themselves apprised of any changes.
Please re-visit this page periodically as all updates to Policies and Procedures are posted here.
Policies and Procedures SchoolofCT