Our spirits are naturally lifted when the sun comes out to shine. We feel the urge to open the windows. Blow out the cobwebs. To turn our faces to the sun. Not unlike human sunflowers. And boost our immune system.
And it’s only natural to want to get outside!
Whether we’re a gentle walk in the park person. Or a go-getter hike up the mountains type. We all have a natural urge to get out into some fresh air and sunshine.
And I think many of us are feeling it big time this year, after 15 months of on and off restrictions. Lock downs and the all consuming fear of not knowing what’s coming next.
We can rely on some sunshine. Some fresh air. Good old walks in the parks, hikes up the mountains, and everything in between. Summer is consistent. The seasons continue whether we’re happy, sad, depressed or fearful. Mother Earth keeps going.
But, here’s something to think about: sunshine turns to Vitamin D in our bodies. Fresh air cleans the lungs, which in turn helps blood, lymph and circulation to improved performance. Yes, the summertime need to get out and about is a natural way to boost our immune systems.
After a year plus of stress, we need to boost our immune systems. Big time!
Holistic health and natural wellness isn’t all about fads and trends. It’s an inherent, built-in way we instinctively know. And it really doesn’t have to be too complicated.
In fact, simple health care is the best
No fancy devices, special clothes, on-line memberships required. Just a return to simpler ways. In fact, it’s all about being kinder, gentle and more tender with ourselves.
This is the perfect time to work on getting healthy. And healthy is being at our best in body, mind, emotions and spirit.
Pick a place to start. I’m going with sunshine and fresh air. I’m blessed with a 4th floor condo with a terrace. There’s usually a breeze of some type and I’ve had my windows open for a while now. Blowing out any stale germs, bacteria and yes even viruses from my home.
Also, any molds that may have built up over the winter.
Even if it’s a bit chilly where you are, you can open your windows for 5 or 10 minutes and change the air in your home. Immune boosting fresh air.
And of course, if you can get out and about, especially without a mask, just do it! I’ve a friend who walks loops around an outdoor mall. Doesn’t have to be fancy.
Benefits as mentioned: improved circulation, blood, lymph and oxygen. All boosting your immune system.
But wait, there’s more
Our minds become clearer with the intake of more oxygen. No fancy supplements required. Just breathe deeply and enjoy the free benefits of mental clarity.
I dunno about you, but I always feel better when I can get out and about. Now, don’t get me wrong. I adore being home. I love nesting. And I’m definitely an introvert. But I’m also social. Meeting people is great for our emotional well-being. We need to feel connected. Even the biggest introverts!
No one around? Talk to the trees. Talk to yourself. And always talk to your dog as you go for a walk. All good stuff for our emotional health.
And spirit you ask?
When we feel healthier in body, mind and emotions, it’s only natural that our spirits are lifted. Whether your like me and need to feel a connection with a higher energy every day. Or you’re more chill, and just enjoy your own energy lift. It’s all good.
And you can even change it up. Somedays I’ve got my oracle and tarot cards out on my desk, on the coffee table, by my bed. Other days, they’re safely tucked-up on the book shelf.
We ebb and flow. Just like the seasons. And so does our Immune System.
So, Dear Heart, I hope you’ve enjoyed this encouragement to get Holistic. Get healthy. And start to gently boost your immune system.
Stress depletes the immune. And wherever you are and however you are fairing, we need to top up our energy reserves.
I’ll be sharing more ways to simply boost your health and resistance to dis-ease over the summer. Because we don’t know what the autumn or fall will bring. But we never did, so don’t sweat it. Just do your best. And let’s get happy and healthy together this summer.
Got questions or comments, just drop them below and I’ll be more than happy to get back to you.
Want to dive in and get boosting your health and vitality big-time? Here’s a link to a sweet, experiential course that has so many ways to help you through understanding how to eat and drink for your health and well-being. And I swear, green smoothies are optional.
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