Complementary Therapies. Alternate Healing. Wellness. Holistic Health. Natural Healing.
Have you been overwhelmed by all the information? By the advertising and marketing? By the controversial discussions?
Although you may find that definitions of complementary therapies or medicine vary, we’ve one approach to health.
And it’s really quite simple. Possibilities. Process and Wellness.
To help you understand the process here’s what we here at SchoolofCT believe. (And it’s how all students are required to model their practices.)
1. First Do No Harm (Primum no nocere)
The process of healing includes the generation of symptoms. We believe that this is an expression of the life force attempting to heal itself. Therefore illness can be a purposeful process of life. When we become ill the body is giving a warning signal to make some changes. In holistic health care we apply therapeutic actions to make change.
2. Practice the Healing Power of Nature (Vis medicatix naturae)
The body has a built-in or inherent ability to establish, maintain and restore health and well-being. Nature heals through the response to life force energy. This process is both ordered and intelligent. Whether using therapeutic modalities or herbs to heal, give the body the appropriate tools and it will heal itself. Of course, this will include the use of allopathic medicine if appropriate. Hence I prefer complementary to alternate.
3. Identify and Treat the Cause (Tolle causam)
Quite simply, illness does not occur without cause. Symptoms are the body’s attempt to heal itself. We know that underlying causes of disease have to be discovered. And removed or changed before someone can recover completely from illness or disease. Remember that the root causes may be on any level. Body, mind, emotion or spirit. And usually occurs on more than one level. Holistic health-care looks at all the whole, which leads to:
4. Treat the Whole Person (The multi-factorial nature of health and disease)
Health and wellness and/or lack thereof are conditions of the whole organism. It involves a complex interaction of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual components. This includes genetics, environment and social factors. A holistic health or wellness program requires a personalized and comprehensive approach to treatment.
5. Practice Prevention (Prevention is the best cure)
The ultimate goal of holistic health care is prevention! We want to not get sick! We achieve this through education. The skilled graduate teaches and models healthy lifestyle choices. Prevention is reinforced by the promotion of healthy life-style habits that maintain good health. Learning healing modalities and practicing them is your own step on the path to achieving this goal. First for yourself and second as a professional if you wish.
Rather than fighting disease we put the emphasis on building health and wellness
These basic principals make the model of holistic, natural, complementary or alternative healthcare. The Jacqueline Fairbrass School of Complementary Therapies’ Code of Ethics is based on these principals. All SchoolofCT students are required to understand and acknowledge the Code of Ethics.
Interested in learning more? We have a course for that. The Health Care Communications and Ethics Courses sheds light on this. And more. Check it out.
Want a little personalized health coaching? Go here.