It takes a village to raise a child. And like a child, the Jacqueline Fairbrass School of Complementary Therapies has grown and been guided along the way by many ‘behind the scenes’ helpers.
This means students are assured of the most up-to-date and contemporary on-line learning experiences. Because we take your health education seriously.
SchoolofCT courses are evaluated by professionals from both CAM and the more traditional health care path, including: Social workers, CAM health consultants, a registered nurse practitioner and a life coach. And of course, we have professional educators to check on our presentation.
And we give students the opportunity to input. Because they’re why we are here.
Others who work with us to produce and serve the best quality of education in the CAM field include editors, sales persons, management consultants, lawyers, graphic designers. And we also have a small but dedicated research team that works tirelessly to keep our courses and programs up to date and contemporary.
We check out the latest ideas, notions, fads and research. This is then evaluated for things like clinical studies, research not based on sales company predictors. And of course we’ve been around long enough that we’ve seen all sorts of fads come and go.
Our newsletter, social media and blogs often reflect our years of expertise and the influence of those on the Behind the Scenes team.
Stay current and join our e-list. And keep in touch.
There’s always something new happening at the Jacqueline Fairbrass School of Complementary Therapies.