It is a few days into 2009, and already many of us have broken some of our New Year’s Resolutions. Each year, many of us see or feel January as a “new beginning”, a time to make a clean start. So, we decide to go on a diet, go on a cleanse, begin an exercise program, take time for relaxation, begin a class or hobby. Sound familiar? And a few weeks (or days, or even hours) in and the enthusiasm wears off. We start to slip, then we start to feel bad about ourselves and the next thing you know, we’re doing life as usual. We forget our dreams of how we want to live our lives and move into the drudgery of just “getting on with things”. We shut our feelings down to get on with the daily routines and forget what makes us happy.
So how about this year forgetting the “resolutions” and trying something new? This idea began with the Advanced Lightworkers Group in November. I was in Ottawa to meet with the group in person (sometimes we meet on-line for long distance conference meetings) and we had a fun time in November. We focused our energy and intentions for the next month on “what makes you happy?” It ran on into December, and continues to bring us light and laughter this month.
Looking around we see so many people are getting caught up in the depressing story of the monetary recession, while forgetting to celebrate the joys we already have in life: to notice our joys takes us into noticing what makes us happy, and giving thanks; being grateful for the joy in life.
Try this: begin today by imagining you have a clean slate. That’s right. Let’s pretend we are starting afresh. Take a little time to think about what makes you happy. What are the things in life that you would keep on this clean slate? What would your ideal life look like? Not, “I will be happy when.” That’s a whole different story. What makes you happy now? How does more happiness in your life look like? Confused? Here’s an example of what we are working (or playing) with as Lightworkers over the last couple of months:
Instead of being caught in the moment, we decided to look ahead. What will life look like in a year? Not, how are we going to get there, just a sense of what life will be like one year from now. What would you like your life to be like in a year from now? We decided to do a ‘manifestation board.’ When I get them I’ll send back a form email explaining how to do a manifestation board) around this. To do this we need to know how life looks, but more importantly I believe is how your life feels. Instead of starting with the visualization aspect, we started with the feeling. How does life feel in a year? This is where we begin to live in happiness as a habit. From there, you can find the pictures and affirmations for your manifestation board. The fun thing about working with feelings is that we are having them constantly and we can change them anytime we want! If we sit and read sad stories we become sad. If we read a happy story we become happy. So, how about you start treating your life like this?
What happened is that as each member of Lightworkers sat in meditation with this idea, they realized how many things in life they already have, do, feel, that make them happy. It’s like the traditions and ritualswe talked about in December. Do what makes you feel good and get rid of the rest! Okay, slow down! I’m not suggesting you quit your job because you don’t like it. I’m suggesting you find the pieces in the job that you do like, and focus your attention on them instead of what is making you sad about your job.
What makes you happy? One member shared that it was his wife and family, friends, co-workers, his job, the Lightworkers group and so on. For another, the new pet cat, her husband’s support, the lightness of yoga class. A new member shared how ‘gratitude’ had changed her life and by simply “giving thanks for her many blessings” each day she has embraced happiness as a habit in her life and has become more peaceful. Are you starting to get the idea?
So, this month I challenge to discover “what makes you happy?” And if you have any insights you’d like to share with me, please drop me a line and let me know.
And remember, The 3rd CD in our progressive relaxation series, the Feeling Absolutely Fabulous–Throw Your Weight Away CD and personalized weight loss plan is available this month–watch for the Special Newsletter later this month for details.”
Keep well,